Hex 1d252d


Pantone / PMS 433 C / #1d252d Codul culorii hex. Codul culorii hexazecimal #1d252d este o nuanţă foarte întunecată de cyan-albastru. Modelul de culoare roșu-verde-albastru (RVA) #1d252d cuprinde 11.37% roșu, 14.51% verde și 17.65% albastru. În spații de culoare TSL #1d252d există o tentă de 210° (grade), 22% saturație și 15%

Grayscale: #232323. Windows color (decimal): -14867155 or 2958621. OLE color: 2958621. HSL color Cylindrical-coordinate representation of color #1D252D: hue angle of 210º degrees, saturation: 0.22, lightness: 0.15%.

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San Jose Earthquakes Hex and RGB Color Codes. The San Jose Earthquakes colors are Black, Blue, Red, and White. These are the San Jose Earthquakes color codes if … Pantone 1375C Coated: C0 M45 Y94 K0 Uncoated: C0 M34 Y87 K0 R255 G158 B27 Hex: #FF9E1B Pantone 433C Coated: C90 M68 Y41 K90 Uncoated: C76 M63 Y55 K24 R29 G37 B45 Hex: #1D252D Pantone 2728C Coated: C90 M68 Y0 K0 Uncoated: C72 M52 Y0 K0 R0 G71 B187 Hex: #0047BB Pantone 188C Coated: C16 M100 Y65 K58 Uncoated: C27 M86 Y60 K28 R118 G35 B47 Hex: #76232F HEX. 1D252D. CHARCOAL. TYPOGRAPHY BRAND TYPEFACES.

HEX/HTML 1D252D CMYK 88 63 40 85 Please note that RGB & Hex/HTML values will differ between the PANTONE Color Finder and the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides due to different standards for print and digital use. For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for process printing.

Hex 1d252d

Designed by Christian Robertson with screen based interfaces in mind, the round, geometric skeleton provides structure while humanistic proportions and slight tension in the connectors add warmth. Hex: 1D252D. Black Cherry.

Hex 1d252d

Pantone / PMS 433 C / #1d252d Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #1d252d is a very dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #1d252d is comprised of 11.37% red, 14.51% green and 17.65% blue. In the HSL color space #1d252d has a hue of 210° (degrees), 22% saturation and 15% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of

In a RGB color space, hex #1d252d is composed of 11.4% red, 14.5% green and 17.6% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 35.6% cyan, 17.8% magenta, 0% yellow and 82.4% black. It has a hue angle of 210 degrees, a saturation of 21.6% and a lightness of 14.5%.

RGB Convert! This color is close to the Pantone Color known as "433 C: 1D252D " This color is close to the Pantone Color known as "532 C: 1C1F2A " #1b252f Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #1b252f is a very dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #1b252f is comprised of 10.59% red, 14.51% green and 18.43% blue. In the HSL color space #1b252f has a hue of 210° (degrees), 27% saturation and 15% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 479.58 nm. If you are working with Pantone Colors, and are wondering how to convert them into hex or RGB or to convert RGB or HEX colors into Pantone colors, please use the reference table below Hexidecimal “hex” codes are 6 digit representations of colors, combining their red, blue, and green values.

Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 35.6% cyan, 17.8% magenta, 0% yellow and 82.4% black. It has a hue angle of 210 degrees, a saturation of 21.6% and a lightness of 14.5%. #1d252d color hex could be obtained by blending #3a4a5a with #000000. Hex color #1D252D is not a web safe color.

Use the calculator below to convert to / from the main base systems. To use this calculator, simply type the value in any box at left. #1d252d hex color red value is 29, green value is 37 and the blue value of its RGB is 45. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #1d252d hue: 0.58 , saturation: 0.22 and the lightness value of 1d252d is 0.15. The process color (four color CMYK) of #1d252d color hex is 0.36, 0.18, 0.00, 0.82. In a RGB color space, hex #1d252d is composed of 11.4% red, 14.5% green and 17.6% blue.

RGB: 29 | 37 | 45 CMYK: 90 | 68 | 41 | 90 HEX: #1D252D PMS: Solid Coated # 433. All Pantone C colors with HEX and RGB codes and are wondering how to convert them into hex or RGB or to convert RGB or 433 C, 1D252D, 29, 37, 45. Hex. 1D252D. Dark grey gradient.

RGB Convert! Pantone color. This color is known in the Pantone Color Matching System (CMS) as "433 C" Buy paint matching this color (via myperfectcolor.com) To see more Pantone colors, check the Pantone Hex # 1D252D. Oak Ridge Schools: Band Standards Guide 8 PRINT LOGO COLOR VARIATIONS To ensure the consistency of the visual identity, a color palette has been established for all print materials. These are the Pantone® and 4-color color codes. 3-COLOR REVERSE ON BLACK Cardinal PANTONE® 202 C Pantone / PMS 433 C / #1d252d Kode Warna Hex. Kode warna heksadesimal #1d252d adalah sangat gelap bayangan dari cyan biru. Dalam model warna RGB #1d252d terdiri dari 11.37% merah, 14.51% hijau dan 17.65% biru.

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RGB. 0/94/184. HEX. 005EB8. MØRK GRÅ. PMS. 433 C. CMYK. 90/68/41/90. RGB. 29/37/45. HEX. 1D252D. TURKIS-GRØNN. PMS. 314 C. CMYK. 100/5/14/ 17.

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